Aoi Mizuki, aka Sailor Water Hermes, and Armani Masked Shin Domei, who defeated the demon and felt a momentary peace, meet Angel Blazer Amami Kokone, who fights against enemies called makyuu. - Seeing this beautiful and strong female warrior made Aoi Mizuki jealous, and Shindomei fascinated. - From that moment on, the battle between Sailor Water Hermes Aoi Mizuki and Angel Blazer Amami Kokone began. - The Armani-masked Shin Doumei tries to stop the two from fighting over him, but its easy for the Demon Clans commander-in-chief, Groizer, to take advantage of the opening in his heart. - Commander-in-Chief Groiser, who has captured Sailor Water Hermes and Pure-hearted Senki Angel Blazer, falls to them, enjoys sex, and falls into Acme Hell. was…! - [BAD END]