Yuna Ibuki is 33 years old. - She is in her fifth year of marriage and she is a mother of one child. - Her job is a dance instructor, who has an outstanding style that shows her good motor skills at a glance. - Yuna has learned various dances such as ballet, cheerleading, and jazz dance since she was a child. - In fact, a dancer couple who met their husband through dance. - I didnt think about getting married, but I discovered that I was pregnant while dating, and I joined the company. Unlike Yuna, who has a stable income as an instructor, her artist-oriented husband leaves home for events and local tours. Often. - Currently, the couples activities are continuing at a monthly pace. - Marriage is harder than I imagined ... I wonder what a couple is (laughs). The stress of childcare, household budget, and couples life led to this appearance. - The freely undulating waist of an active dancer wife is too erotic! - !!